Čuveni holivudski glumac razbucao Albaniju! (VIDEO)

Koha; D.K. | vesti 2019-10-31 21:52:33 2019-10-31 21:52:33

Svetski poznato glumac Leonardo Dikaprio javno se usprotivio odluci Vlade Albanije da izgradi osam hidroelektrana na reci Vjosa.


On je na svom Instagram profilu podelio video i tekst u kojem govori o planovima koji bi uništili jedinstvenu reku.


- Ovo je jedna od retkih preostalih divljih rekao u Evropi. Ali, još koliko dugo? Albanska Vlada planira da je uništi kako bi proizvela struju potrebnu za od najsiromašnijih država u Evropi, tako što bi da napravi osam hidroelektrana duš reke. Nove studije dovele su u pitanje učinak hidroelektrana u borbi protiv globalnog zagrevanja - napisao je glumac.

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#Regram #RG @apnews: This is one of Europe’s last wild rivers. But for how long?⁠ ⁠ The Vjosa river runs through the forest-covered slopes of Greece’s Pindus mountains to Albania’s Adriatic coast.⁠ ⁠ Albania’s government has set in motion plans to dam the Vjosa to generate much-needed electricity for one of Europe’s poorest countries, with the intent to build eight dams along the main river.⁠ ⁠ It’s part of a world hydropower boom, mainly in Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and less developed parts of Europe. Some tout hydropower as a reliable, cheap and renewable energy source that helps curb dependence on planet-warming fossil fuels. But some recent studies question hydropower’s value in the fight against global warming. Critics say the benefits of hydropower are overstated — and outweighed by the harm dams can do.⁠ ⁠ Dams block the natural flow of water and sediment. They also can change the chemistry of the water and cause toxic algae to grow. Rivers are a crucial part of the global water cycle. They act as nature’s arteries, carrying energy and nutrients across vast landscapes, providing water for drinking, food production and industry.⁠ ⁠ For more, visit the AP news story.⁠ ⁠ #APVideo Felipe Dana @felipedana ⁠

A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Oct 31, 2019 at 9:33am PDT

Kako je naveo, kritičari kažu da su prednosti hidroelekrana preuveličane.

Izjava ministra u Tirani poslala jasnu poruku Srbiji! Zapad mudro ćuti!

AUTOR: Alo.rs/Novosti/I.L. DATUM I VREME: 31.10.2019.



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