Zvezda Instagrama hirurški menjala boju očiju i sad je maltene slepa (VIDEO)

S. R. | Razbibriga 2018-04-15 10:28:41 2018-04-15 10:28:41

Nadin Bruna (32), model iz Argentine i zvezda Instagrama dobila je trajno oštećenje vida nakon što se podvrgla hirurškom menjaju boje očiju!


Nadin Bruna koja zarađuje desetine hiljada evra postavljajući svoje fotografije na Instagram trajno će imati oštećen vid, nakon što se 2016. godine odlučila da hirurški menja boju očiju.


Naime, Nadin je odlučila da stavi silikonske implante koji bi joj boju očiju promenili iz braon u svetlo zeleno, ali je nešto pošlo po zlu.

- Pre operacije moje oči su bile zdrave. Bila sam tako naivna. Zahvat me ostavio s mutnim vidom, a godinu dana su mi oči bile stalno crvene i svrbele su me. Moje zenice ne mogu sada da se prilagode svetlosti, tako da sam veoma osetljiva na svetlost. Ova operacija je sasvim iscrpela život iz mene - rekla je Nadin.


Im tired of read bullshit when no one knows the real story. Yes! I BLAME @dreugeniocabrera because he did medical negligence and im bad from the day 1! He saw me bad from the beginning bcz he decided to do on me 2 surgeries between 3 days causlng me chronic inflamation. This is what i answered to a follower. It was in spanish but i used a translator bcz is too long to write it again. This is only a resume and the drs at Bascom Palmer in Miami are witnesses of all this. Things were a lottttt worse than this. But i have to do a LIVE to explain everything with details. It was a real nighmare. I hope all of u can understand this translation. Anyways ill be giving so interviews to USA, Mexico & UK next week. ???????? @nelypez first you speak without knowing of cause. Porq we did not know the risks. Second, it was medical negligence and tomorrow I will make a posting about it. The media transgress the information to create more sensationalism and sell more without telling things in detail. Third, in the US there was another company equal to bright ocular that had a waiting list of more than 100 people where they said that the approval was on hold and could take from six months to a year. Dr Eugenio Cabrera was aberrant because he submitted me to a lasik 3 days before the implants, telling me if he could perform the two surgeries so often, when I did not even know what was myopia! I operated for an astigmatism of 0.5 and 3 days, dsp put the implants! That gave me a chronic inflammation of almost 4 degrees! Dsp of 3 weeks so and worsen he sent me to miami the same! For this he had his instagram closed because his license was not approved and he was scared! The inflammation worsened and a month later I started to have chronic photophobia and when I called it terrified because I did not have medical insurance in the US, he told me that he could not take them out. I had to wait 6 to 7 months to consider that option and it made me wait like that all the time! And when I go to Colombia in deplorable conditions, He decided to rearrange them because if I removed them I would need a transplant because I could not do it because I was not Colombian! And it got even worse!

A post shared by THE BRUNA TWINS (@nadinne.bruna.model) on Apr 14, 2018 at 8:59pm PDT


Ona kaže da je oštećenje na oku trajno i da sad još mora da ide na transplantaciju rožnjače.

- Imam mrenu, a dobila sam i glaukom zbog oštećenja živca - ispričala je Nadin.

Ona je za Dejli Mejl ispričala da je njena odluka o promeni boje očiju bila veoma glupa i da je verovala pogrešnoj osobi. Nadin su implante stavili u Kolumbiji, ali onda su američki lekari morali da joj spasavaju vid.

Nadin je izgubila 80 odsto vida u desnom i 50 odsto u levom oku, a sada više ne može ni da zarađuje.

- Većinu onog što sam stekla, stekla sam putem Instagrama, a sad živim od ušteđevine - rekla je Nadin i dodala da ne može da tuži čuvenog doktora iz Kolumbije koji joj je upropastio vid jer nema novac za to.


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