Doživela sudar sa kamionom! Porodica potvrdila tužnu vest (FOTO)

Dejli mejl/ B. P. | vip 2019-07-13 22:43:12 2019-07-13 22:43:12

Korisnici drštvenih mreža šokirani


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*Porodica, prijatelji i pratioci u šoku

*Vozila je e-skuter, koji je ilegalno sredstvo prevoza


Popularna britanska voditeljka Emili Hartridž preminula je nakon nesreće koju je doživela na električnom skuteru.

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Emili (35) je vozila skuter u južnom Londonu, kada se sudarila sa kamionom.

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IT’S A LONG ROAD BUT YOU GOTTA TAKE THAT FIRST STEP ? - For years I suffered with severe anxiety and just thought at some point things would change and although I very much believe that, you do also have to make some changes or start doing ‘something’ positive to aid your mental health recovery ??‍♀️ - Whether that is having the courage to take meds, seeing a therapist, opening up to a friend about how you feel, going to a fitness class, changing jobs it’s making you unhappy ☹️ • Anxiety is a sign. A sign that you can’t currently handle life and so to attempt to change things, we need to look at our life and see what we could adapt or what we need to do to aid our brains in the healing process ? • It was incredibly painful looking at my own life and really assessing what does and more importantly what doesn’t make my happy ? But it was absolutely imperative I did that because by doing that it has got me where I am today ☺️ • Don’t look too far ahead as that can be terrifying. Just start small and take it day by day. But you NEED to take that first step ❤️ • @georgiespurling ? _______________________________________________ #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #recovery #help #advice #beautiful #ootd #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #exercise #fitfam #muscles #strong #strength #abs #goals #boxing #girlswhobox #yoga #yogi

A post shared by Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) on Jun 2, 2019 at 11:27pm PDT

Voditeljka Kanala 4, koja je imala i uspešan YouTube kanal, prva je osoba koja je izgubila život vozeći električni skuter, prenosi taj portal.

E-skuteri su na putevima Britanije zvanično nezakoniti, ali su sve popularniji i u toj zemlji, i mnogim drugim.

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DO YOU EVER FEEL READY TO HAVE A BABY? ???‍♀️ - Now it’s no secret that I am very maternal and have wanted kids since I was very young but my question is on earth does someone feel ready to have a kid? ? - I know there are women out there that feel like there is a time in their life where they say to themselves ‘Right, NOW I want to have a baby’ ?? And even if I was married and fully settled (Although I actually hate the word ‘settled’) I still don’t think I would be ready for a baby ? - I don’t know if it’s because I am very ambitious career wise and I love to go away that I worry about how much having a child pins you down and you lose a certain amount of freedom. Or if it’s because I constantly feel like a 12 year old trapped in a 35 year olds body ? Like, I barely know what I am doing everyday and navigating through life as it is is a challenge for me ? - Every year I say to myself ‘Maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘maybe next year’ then that year comes and I say ‘Defo next year’ then that year comes and here I am ??‍♀️ - To be honest I think the dream for me would be to get pregnant by accident but with @jacob_hazell being sober and me barely drinking me thinks that ain’t ever gonna happen ? So I would need to make the executive decision to have a baby and I just think to myself....WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO THAT? LIKE WHEN?????? ? - I am posting about this because I would genuinely love to hear your opinions on this topic ? - For some reason in my end I think- having a baby = life stops ?? And that just freaks me right out ? - So hit me, what do you think? There is no right or wrong answer, I would just like to know if I am the only women who thinks like this ? ____________________________________________ #children #baby #babies #women #fertility #eggfreezing #life #honesty #advice #help

A post shared by Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) on Jul 3, 2019 at 10:50pm PDT

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