Rodila ćerku, a onda saznala da je neće gledati kako odrasta! | Razbibriga 2019-09-16 13:23:07 2019-09-16 13:23:07


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Džoana Herd (34) iz Velike Britanije iskreno je progovorila o strahu koji je osetila kada je šest meseci nakon rođenja ćerke čula strašnu dijagnozu.

Povod je ozbiljan! Predsednik Vučić odlučio da kaže sve - Zamislite da moja ćerka...

AUTOR: DATUM I VREME: 15.09.2019.

Lekari su joj u julu rekli da ima rak na plućima IV stadijuma.

Mesec dana kasnije saznala je da je ALK pozitivna, odnosno da ima retku genetsku mutaciju - kinazu anaplastičnog limfoma koja dovodi do karcinoma pluća, a pogađa uglavnom ljude mlađe i srednje dobi, čak one koji ne puše ili puše sasvim malo.

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This is how we sleep now. Freya hasn't slept in her own bed since I was diagnosed. She was teething for one and I, selfishly, needed to be close to her. It was like she was brand new to me again, I needed to take her in, remember every little fold in her skin, her smell, the way one eyelid flickers oh so gracefully while she sleeps. . The initial diagnosis felt like such a death sentence, Lung Cancer being the angry little fucker that it is, takes no prisoners. It's hard to think back to those first few days after diagnosis, to remember weighing up the pros and cons of life prolonging chemo, as that is all I could seem to find as possible 'treatment' to my incurable cancer. Knowing I probably wouldn't see Christmas and being devastated that my little girl wouldn't even remember her Mamma. . The ALK diagnosis has been a lifeline, hope at the end of dark bleak tunnel. I've said so many times, I'm one of the lucky ones. But the fact is, it's still Cancer, it's still incurable and it still will most likely be the reason I die. The survival rate is better than most lung cancers for sure, 6/7 years at present and getting better every day, people are surviving longer and new medication is being developed all the time but there is always that worry at the back of your mind, because cancer is an unpredictable little bugger! . So Freya will stay in my bed for as long as she and I both need, she'll be too big all too soon and I'm going to make the most of my baby snuggles while I still have chance ❤❤❤ . #blessed #loveofagoodman #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancerwontwin #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks  #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #roycastlelungcancerfoundation

A post shared by Just a Mamma Fighting Cancer ? (@justamammafightingcancer) on Aug 12, 2019 at 12:38am PDT

Džoana kaže da nikada nije pušila, pa joj nikada nije bilo niti na kraj pameti da bi mogla da oboli od raka pluća.

RUTINSKA PROVERA OTIŠLA U POGREŠNOM PRAVCU! Gazda mislio da je šala: Zbog bizarne greške pekar mora da plati kaznu 25.000 evra!


Sve to ju je rastužilo. Pomislila je da ima svega godinu dana života te da neće imati priliku da gleda kako joj ćerka odrasta, no lekari su pokušali da je malo uteše. Rekli su joj kako je očekivani životni vek kod takve dijagnoze oko sedam godina.

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My story: On 23rd July 2019 I was, at aged 34 and Mamma to a little 6 month old baby girl, diagnosed with incurable lung cancer. No really. Fuck! • I've been ill for the best part of 18 months , since becoming pregnant really, and had been sent for test after test, poking after prodding but nothing could be found as to why I was so poorly. • On 31st June, something was finally flagged up on an Xray and it was a million miles an hour from then on, until diagnosis; Lung Cancer, Stage 4, Incurable. What a kick in the dick! • The fact is, Lung cancer is overlooked as it's still perceived an old person, lifelong smoker disease. Im here to raise awareness that it effects all kinds of people, at all stages in life. ▪︎ On 1st August we got the amazing news (as amazing as cancer news can be anyway) that my cancer is known as ALK positive, a very rare genetic mutation of the disease that statistically is affecting mainly women aged 20-50 and never or light smokers. There is no cure but there are people living with this particular type as a Chronic Lung Condition. Living! • I will never be rid of this fucker but I will fight on regardless as my Mamma didn't raise no quitter and I'm tough as old boots. Not to mention I have the 2 greatest humans to fight for too ? • Modern medicine is amazing and improving all the time, many warriors of this mutation cancer are 5/8/12 years past diagnosis and still going strong. There is hope ? • #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #channelmumvillage

A post shared by Just a Mamma Fighting Cancer ? (@justamammafightingcancer) on Aug 6, 2019 at 12:02pm PDT

Džona se na Instagram blogu @justamammafightingcancer opisuje kao 'ALK-pozitivni ratnik protiv raka'. Kaže da joj blog pomaže u prihvatanju činjenice da je teško bolesna te u svakodnevnim borbama. Želi ljudima da objasni kakva je to bolest. Priznaje da su joj se mračne misli uvukle u glavu otkako je dobila dijagnozu.

- Činilo mi se nestvarnim. Imala sam osećaj kao da se takve stvari događaju nekim drugim ljudima. Nekako imam osećaj da ću biti mrtva za godinu dana. Kroz glavu mi prolaze misli hoću li prihvatiti hemoterapiju ako mi ponude, isplati li se to - rekla je.

Prisetila se kako su joj lekari u početku davali pogrešne dijagnoze jer je to retko stanje koje nisu odmah prepoznali. Mislili su kako se radi o infekciji grudnog koša, upali pluća pa čak i pleuritis.

- To pogađa sve više i više mladih ljudi, a ne nudi svaka bolnica testiranje ćelija koje pronalazi ovako retke oblike. Nije svaki onkolog u zemlji svestan toga, što je prilično zastrašujuće. Važno je deliti znanje o ovoj groznoj bolesti - dodala je Džoana.

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Little selfie with my best Pal ? . Starting to feel a little bit more like me again. I've finished the antibiotics and although I have to have another blood test to check infection markers, I'm feeling a bit better. Albeit knackered but then I've a 7 month old to run around after too ? . Like 'normal' chemo, Alectinib can effect your immune system amongst other things. My nervous system is taking the brunt at the moment. I get sudden bouts of the shakes. Hands and knees mainly so I look like I'm doing some weird knee knocking, jazz handed dance when it hits ? its probably the most in time to any music I've ever been! Rhythm has never been forte ?‍♀️ . I'm exploring some herbal remedies at the moment too and researching alot into the benefits of CBD oil. Theres mixed reviews out there but I'm doing my homework and making educated and smart choice when it comes to my health.?? . Meditation is helping too. I'm obsessed with @zivameditation and the 'stress less, accomplish more' audio book. I have it on everyday in the background and find It so useful ? . I'm only 3 week into treatment so I've still a long way to go but I'm feeling more and more positive everyday! I'll be back to being fully me in no time ??? . .. . **** Edit: after I posted this I had a funny turn ? Daniel had to come home from work to look after me and Freya #uselessmummyalert ? . Let's hope tomorrow is better ❤❤❤ . #positivevibes #positivemind #positivebodyimage #cancerwontwin #justamammafightingcancer #cancercanfuckoff #cancerwarrior #cancersucks #cancerblogger #blogger #alkpositivelungcancer #alk #lungcancer #support #blogger #cancerblogger #justamammafightingcancer #alkpositivelungcancer #alkpostive #sideeffects #cancersucks #fuckoffcancer #raisingawareness #lungcancer #cancerwarrior #1in2 #cancer #bloggingcancermamma #macmillan #mammablogger #mummyblog #RuthStraussFoundation #channelmumvillage .

A post shared by Just a Mamma Fighting Cancer ? (@justamammafightingcancer) on Aug 27, 2019 at 5:28am PDT

Kaže da svaki dan pije posebne tablete, no nakon tri do pet godina će postati imuna na taj lek i trebaće joj neka alternativa. Otkako se razbolela, brzo se umara i ne može dugo da hoda.

- Pisanje bloga mi je jako pomoglo da ostanem optimistična, a pomaže i mojoj porodici i prijateljima jer bolje razumeju šta prolazim - ispričala je i napomenula kako se iduće godine planira udati za svojeg partnera Danijela Džonatana, prenosi Mirror.

BONUS VIDEO: Pitali smo Aleksandra Vučića kada će biti uveden VOJNI ROK i šta piše u u ličnoj poruci od Putina


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