Lena Danam
Lena Danam


Lena Danam, Foto: Printscreen

Zvezda jedne od najomiljenijih ženskih serija "Devojke", 32-godišnja Lina Danam u februaru mesecu podelila je sa javnošću da ima ozbiljne zdravstvene probleme. Nakon operacije uklanjanja materice, glumica se podvrgla još jednoj medicinskoj proceduri.

Ona je u potresnom intervjuu priznala je da se godinama borila sa sa endometriozom - ginekološka bolest kod koje se ćelije sluznice maternice nalaze van maternice te uzrokuju bol, stvaranje ožiljaka i priraslica.

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Zbog toga je pre godinu morala da se operiše, kada su joj lekari uklonili matericu. Ali tu nije bio kraj. Nekoliko meseci kasnije Lina se našla u bolnici gde je podvrgnuta novoj proceduri....

- Juče sam imala dvočasvonu operaciju u kojoj mi je uklonjen levi jajnik, što je izazvalo bolove ožiljka i formiranje viška vlaknastog vezivnog tkiva. Situacija je bila takva da mi je bilo teško da hodam, a u poslednjih mesec dana stanje se samo pogoršavalo. Mnogi su komentisali da je već trebalo da se oporavim i da je histerektomija trebalo da reši moje probleme.

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Yesterday I had a two hour surgery to remove my left ovary, which was encased in scar tissue & fibrosis, attached to my bowel and pressing on nerves that made it kinda hard to walk/pee/vamp. Over the last month it got worse and worse until I was simply a burrito posing as a human. *** My mother took this picture after I spent 9 hours in the post op recovery area with v low blood pressure that the nurses were diligently monitoring. I was so out of it that I thought I looked sensually moody a la Charlotte Rampling (turns out it was more of a constipation vibe.) *** A lot of people commented on my last post about being too sick to finish promoting my show by saying my hysterectomy should have fixed it (I mean *should* is a weird one). That I should get acupuncture and take supplements (I do). That I should see a therapist because it’s clearly psychological (year 25 of therapy, y’all. These are the fruits!) But a big lesson I’ve learned in all of this is that health, like most stuff, isn’t linear- things improve and things falter and you start living off only cranberry juice from a sippy cup/sleeping on a glorified heating pad but you’re also happier than you’ve been in years. I feel blessed creatively and tickled by my new and improved bellybutton and so so so lucky to have health insurance as well as money for care that is off of my plan. But I’m simultaneously shocked by what my body is and isn’t doing for me and red with rage that access to medical care is a privilege and not a right in this country and that women have to work extra hard just to prove what we already know about our own bodies and beg for what we need to be well. It’s humiliating. *** My health not being a given has paid spiritual dividends I could never have predicted and it’s opened me up in wild ways and it’s given me a mission: to advocate for those of us who live at the cross section of physical and physic pain, to remind women that our stories don’t have to look one way, our pain is our gain and oh shit scars and mesh “panties” are the fucking jam. Join me, won’t you? *** ? @lauriesimmons

A post shared by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on Oct 17, 2018 at 6:47am PDT

- Neki lekari veruju da moram da odlazim na akupunkturu, drugi pak da je rešenje u terapiji jer je problem očito psihološki, a ja kod psihologa odlazim već 25 godina i ovo su rezultati, napisala je Lena ispod fotografije koju je napravila odmah nakon operacije.

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Still healing. Always healing.

A post shared by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on Oct 22, 2018 at 10:49pm PDT

Lina Danam je kompletno svoje iskustvo sa bolešću poznatom pod nazivom endometrioza, zbog koje se podvrgla histerektomiji, a sada i uklanjanu jajnika govorila u članku za američki Vog magazin.

Njena borba traje od mladosti. Zbog jakih menstrualnih bolova, glumica je bila operisana čak jedanaest puta. Kada ništa nije davalo rezultate, u 31. godini života je morala da se podvrgne zahvatu histerektomije prilikom koga su joj lekari odstranli matericu.

Ona je svojevremeno izjavila da se nada da će postati majka, bilo da je reč o unajmljivanju surogat majke ili usvajanja.

- Uskoro ću početi da istražujem da li moji jajnici, koji ostaju unutar mene u toj ogromnoj pećini organa i ožiljaka, mogu da proizvode zdrave jajne ćelije. Usvajanje je druga opcija, optimistično je kazala glumica.



Komentari (1)


28.10.2018 13:52

Strašno, želim joj brzo ozdravljenje, mlada je i dobro glumi