Tuga, depresija
Kler Holt


Kler Holt, Foto: printscreen/instagram

Glumica koja je stekla veliku slavu zahvaljujući samo jednoj ulozi ovih dana prolazi kroz pravi pakao.

Pre nekoliko dana je poznata Kler Holt doživela, kako i sama kaže, najteži trenutak u svom životu.

Zvezda serije "Vampirski dnevnici" morala je da uradi kiretažu jer je plodu u njenom stomaku srce prestalo da kuca. Ona je na svom "Instagram" nalogu podelila fotografiju koju je uradila nakon tog zahvata.



I took this photo 10 days ago, as I waited for surgery after my sweet little baby lost its heartbeat. I sent it to my fiancé in the waiting room to show him that I was ok. I wasn’t. I’ve never felt more broken in my life. I debated sharing this so soon and I’m still frightened about making such a private struggle public, but I’m doing it anyway because it's important. After my D & C, I spent hours on the internet searching for women who had been through it. I was desperate to find someone, anyone, who could relate to what I was feeling. Someone to tell me that the depression and hopelessness were normal. That it wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t broken forever. I found a community of women who shared my exact experience. Who were open and vulnerable about miscarriage, something that isn’t often or openly discussed. It breaks my heart to think that losing a baby feels like something we have to keep to ourselves. Why is it any different than the death of a loved one? How is it any less meaningful? Here is what I have learned as I begin to crawl out of the dark hole: support is everything. I could not have survived this without the unconditional love of my partner. Despite his pain, he was my rock and my safety net. I will never know how to thank him. I also found that opening up to people is crucial. As soon as I told my story, almost everyone I spoke to told me theirs - their own, their wife’s, their sister’s. So many people go through it and understand the breadth of pain, yet so few people talk about it. Finally, I want to share a blog post that resonated with every part of me. You can find the link in my bio, @leandramcohen of @manrepeller articulates the emotional rollercoaster with an eloquence that I could never possess. To anyone out there who has been through a miscarriage, I understand you. I share every bit of your pain and you are not alone. Please be kind to yourself and I hope that you will be comfortable sharing your story too.

A post shared by Claire Holt (@claireholt) on Mar 4, 2018 at 3:52pm PST


- Napravila sam ovu fotografiju pre desetak dana, dok sam čekala operaciju jer je moje malo slatko dete izgubilo otkucaje srca. Poslala sam je svom vereniku koji je bio u čekaonici kako bih mu pokazala da sam dobro, ali nisam bila - napisala je, između ostalog, poznata glumica.

Priznala je da nije mogla sama da prolazi kroz to i da bi bez podrške verenika ceo proces bio još teži.



Missing my sweet valentine. Love you to the ? and back ✨

A post shared by Claire Holt (@claireholt) on Feb 14, 2018 at 8:12am PST


- Nakon kiretaže sam provela sate na internetu tražeći žene koje su prošle isto što i ja. Bila sam očajna u potrazi za nekim, bilo kim ko bi se mogao poistovetiti sa onime što ja osećam. Nekog ko će mi reći da su depresija i beznađe normalni, da to nije moja krivica i kako nisam slomljena zauvek - ispričala je glumica.